TGroup subclass: #QCannon instanceVariableNames: 'qpitch frequency lastTime balls nextSlot wheel mainChild ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Croquet-Q'! !QCannon methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/16/2005 12:16'! addChild: x "but first, remove the old child at this slot, if it exists and we are still its parent, to limit the number of cannonballs" | old | old_ balls at: nextSlot. old ifNotNil: [ (old parent == self) ifTrue: [ self removeChild: old. ]. ]. x colorize: (wheel at: nextSlot) asB3DColor. balls at: nextSlot put: x. nextSlot_ nextSlot + 1. (nextSlot > balls size) ifTrue: [ nextSlot_ 1. ]. ^super addChild: x. ! ! !QCannon methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 21:10'! fireBaseTime: t | ball s gp nextBall | "gp _ self globalPosition. gp ifNil: [^self]." gp _ B3DVector3 zero. ball _ balls at: nextSlot. ball ifNil: [ ball_ QCannonBall new. ball initializeWithPitch: qpitch. ball baseLocation: gp velocity: qpitch configureCannonDirection baseTime: t. s _ TSphere new. s radius: 0.5. ball contents: s. ball objectName: 'cannonball-', nextSlot. ball colorize: (wheel at: nextSlot) asB3DColor. balls at: nextSlot put: ball. super addChild: ball. ] ifNotNil: [ qpitch purgeFutureMessagesToBall: ball. ball baseLocation: gp velocity: qpitch configureCannonDirection baseTime: t. ball colorize: (wheel at: nextSlot) asB3DColor. ]. nextSlot_ nextSlot + 1. (nextSlot > balls size) ifTrue: [ nextSlot_ 1. ]. " turn balls black one step before the recycle " nextBall _ balls at: nextSlot. nextBall ifNotNil: [ nextBall colorize: Color black asB3DColor. ]. ^ ball ! ! !QCannon methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 18:18'! initializeWithPitch: p qpitch _ p. balls_ Array ofSize: qpitch configureNumberBalls. nextSlot_ 1. wheel_ Color wheel: balls size. "rainbow colors" frequency _ qpitch configureBallFrequency . lastTime_ TeaTime now asSeconds - frequency. self stepTime: frequency * 1000 // 5. "one fifth the frequency, for smoothness of firing" self startStepping. self step. " One white cube to represent the cannon. " mainChild_ TCube new. mainChild colorize: Color white asB3DColor. super addChild: mainChild.! ! !QCannon methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 08:19'! step | now t | now_ TeaTime now asSeconds. t_ lastTime+frequency. [ t < now ] whileTrue: [ self fireBaseTime: t. lastTime _ t. t_ t + frequency. ]. ! ! TGroup subclass: #QCannonBall instanceVariableNames: 'qpitch collision contents baseLocation baseTime velocity lastPlaneCollidedWith ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Croquet-Q'! !QCannonBall methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 20:32'! baseLocation: loc velocity: v baseTime: t | c msg | collision _ nil. baseLocation_ loc. velocity_ v. baseTime_ t. qpitch ifNil: [ 8 frob ]. qpitch ifNotNil: [ qpitch allObstacles do: [ :o | o qplane ifNil: [ o globalTransformUpdate. ]. QPitch spew: [ 'testing RE-COLLISION: Ball= ', self, ' Obstacle= ', o ]. QPitch spew: [ '----------------- ', lastPlaneCollidedWith identityHash , ' ?? ', o qplane identityHash ]. "( lastPlaneCollidedWith == o qplane ) ifTrue: [ QPitch spew: [ 'IGNORING RE-COLLISION: Ball= ', self, ' Obstacle= ', o ]. ] ifFalse: [" QPitch spew: [ ' Ball= ', self, " ' globalT= ', (self globalTransform), " " ' localXlate= ' , ( self translation ), " ' TestingObstacle= ', o ]. c _ QPlaneIntersection new intersect: (o qplane) withPointStartingPosition: baseLocation " XXXXXXself globalBaseLocation" time: baseTime velocity: velocity. c willIntersect ifTrue: [ ( (collision isNil) or: [ c when < collision when ] ) ifTrue: [ collision _ c ] ]. "]." ]. ]. QPitch spew: [ 'Ball ', self, ' Pitch ' , qpitch , ' Collision ', collision ]. collision ifNotNil: [ msg _ QFutureMessage new. msg when: collision when. msg receiver: self. msg message: #bounceOff:intersection:. msg args: (Array with: collision qplane clone with: collision). QPitch spew2: [ 'FUTURE-MESSAGE When ', ((collision when * 1000) asInteger), 'ms Ball ', self, ' Pitch ' , qpitch , ' Collision ', collision ]. qpitch addFutureMessage: msg. ].! ! !QCannonBall methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 23:04'! bounceOff: aQPlane intersection: intersection | normal vNormNeg newVelocity dotProduct rot | QPitch spew2: [ '######################## Bouncing ', self, ' off of ', aQPlane, '. ' ]. QPitch spew2: [ '##### intersection: ', intersection ]. QPitch spew2: [ '##### velocity: ', velocity ]. normal _ aQPlane normal. vNormNeg _ velocity normalized negated. QPitch spew2: [ '##### normal ', normal ]. QPitch spew2: [ '##### vNormNeg ', vNormNeg ]. QPitch spew2: [ '##### intersection: ', intersection ]. dotProduct _ ( normal dot: vNormNeg ). dotProduct < 0 ifTrue: [ normal _ normal negated. ]. QPitch spew2: [ '##### dotProduct ', dotProduct ]. QPitch spew: [ '##### normal ', normal ]. QPitch spew2: [ '##### intersection: ', intersection ]. "rot _ vNormNeg rotationTo: normal." " The following seems backwards, but it is what works. " rot _ normal rotationTo: vNormNeg. newVelocity _ ( rot productFromVector3: normal ) * ( velocity length ). QPitch spew2: [ '##### newVelocity ', newVelocity ]. QPitch spew2: [ '##### intersection: ', intersection ]. lastPlaneCollidedWith _ aQPlane. self baseLocation: intersection where velocity: newVelocity baseTime: intersection when.! ! !QCannonBall methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 08:13'! contents: x contents _ x. self addChild: contents.! ! !QCannonBall methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/19/2005 18:13'! globalBaseLocation ^ self localToGlobal: (self localTransform localPointToGlobal: baseLocation).! ! !QCannonBall methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 18:16'! initialize super initialize. ! ! !QCannonBall methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 21:54'! initializeWithPitch: p qpitch _ p. lastPlaneCollidedWith _ nil. baseLocation _ B3DVector3 zero. velocity _ nil . baseTime _ TeaTime now asSeconds. self stepTime: 50. self startStepping.! ! !QCannonBall methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 18:17'! qpitch ^ qpitch! ! !QCannonBall methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/19/2005 17:50'! step | factor x y z | velocity ifNotNil: [ contents ifNotNil: [ factor _ TeaTime now asSeconds - baseTime. x _ baseLocation x + (factor * velocity x). y _ baseLocation y + (factor * velocity y). z _ baseLocation z + (factor * velocity z). contents translationX: x y: y z: z. "self update ???" ]]. super step! ! TGroup subclass: #QDoubleRectangle instanceVariableNames: 'front back qplane ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Croquet-Q'! !QDoubleRectangle methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 18:48'! boundingBox " this is not being magically figured out by anything " | a b fe | fe _ front extent. a _ self localToGlobal: ( B3DVector3 x: fe x / -2.0 y: fe y / -2.0 z: fe z / -2.0 ). b _ self localToGlobal: ( B3DVector3 x: fe x / 2.0 y: fe y / 2.0 z: fe z / 2.0 ). " a _ self localToGlobal: ( B3DVector3 zero - ( front extent / 2 ) ). b _ self localToGlobal: ( front extent / 2 ). " ^ TBox new min: a max: b.! ! !QDoubleRectangle methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/17/2005 22:32'! colorize: c super colorize: c. front colorize: c. back colorize: c asColor duller asB3DColor.! ! !QDoubleRectangle methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 08:25'! extent: e front extent: e. back extent: e.! ! !QDoubleRectangle methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/17/2005 16:30'! globalCenter ^ globalTransform localPointToGlobal: (B3DVector3 zero).! ! !QDoubleRectangle methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/17/2005 16:36'! globalNormal ^ globalTransform orientation localPointToGlobal: (B3DVector3 x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 1.0 )! ! !QDoubleRectangle methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 14:13'! globalTransformUpdate " Recalculate the qplane whenever globalTransform is updated. " qplane _ QPlane new point: self globalCenter normal: self globalNormal boundingBox: self boundingBox. ^super globalTransformUpdate! ! !QDoubleRectangle methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/17/2005 21:23'! initialize super initialize. globalTransform ifNil: [ globalTransform _ B3DMatrix4x4 identity ]. front _ TRectangle new. back _ TRectangle new. back rotationAroundY: 180. " front colorize: ( Color green asB3DColor alpha: 0.8 ). back colorize: ( Color lightGreen asB3DColor alpha: 0.8 ). " self addChild: front. self addChild: back. self stepTime: 100. self startStepping. ! ! !QDoubleRectangle methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 20:09'! qplane " the qplane represents the plane of the rectangles in GLOBAL coordinates. Manipulating the doubleRectangle changes the globalTransform. qplane is updated by #update and caches a center and a normal. " qplane ifNil: [ self globalTransformUpdate ]. ^ qplane! ! !QDoubleRectangle methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/17/2005 18:41'! step ^ super step! ! !QDoubleRectangle methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 21:00'! texture: t front texture: t. back texture: t.! ! QDoubleRectangle subclass: #QCarpet instanceVariableNames: 'mouseStart shiftPressed selectedFrame selectedPoint selectedAction boxPoint basePosition baseLength ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Croquet-Q'! !QCarpet methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 23:37'! defaultSize ^ 5.0 "2.0"! ! !QCarpet methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 11:06'! initialize super initialize. self extent: ( QPitch goldenRatio * self defaultSize ) @ self defaultSize .! ! TSpinner subclass: #QDragger instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Croquet-Q'! !QDragger methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/17/2005 22:12'! initialize super initialize. self matOver: nil. self matDown: nil. self matNorm: nil. ! ! !QDragger methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/17/2005 22:05'! pointerMove: pointer | delta trans | "Copied this while dang thing from TSpinner, and changed #ifTrue to #ifFalse on first line" pointer event2D shiftPressed ifFalse:[ (pointer frame: self pickPlane: selectedPoint normal: cameraNorm) ifTrue:[ delta _ selectedPoint - pointer selectedPoint. self meta translation: (self translation - (self orientation localPointToGlobal: delta)). ^ true.]. ^ false.]. "ROTATE AROUND" pointer frame: self pickSphere: B3DVector3 new radiusSquared: selectedRadiusSquared. lastSpin _ (self rotFromBallPoints: selectedPoint to: pointer selectedPoint) asMatrix4x4. trans _ self translation. self translationX: 0.0 y:0.0 z:0.0. self localTransform: (self localTransform composeWith: lastSpin). self translation: trans. self meta localTransform: localTransform clone. ^ true. ! ! !QDragger methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/17/2005 21:59'! spin: ignoredNumber super spin: nil.! ! Object subclass: #QFutureList instanceVariableNames: 'list ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Croquet-Q'! !QFutureList methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:27'! add: item ^ list add: item.! ! !QFutureList methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 22:23'! getFirstMessageBefore: timeNow | m | list size > 0 ifTrue: [ m _ list at: 1. m when < timeNow ifTrue: [ list removeFirst. ^ m. ]. ]. ^ nil " no appropriate message " ! ! !QFutureList methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:56'! initialize list _ SortedCollection new. ! ! !QFutureList methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:29'! printOn: aStream aStream addAll: 'QFutureList(', list, ')'. ! ! !QFutureList methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 21:20'! purgeDeadReceiver: r " when we recycle cannonballs, we need to remove all FutureMessages being sent to its old state. " list removeAllSuchThat: [ :msg | msg receiver == r ].! ! !QFutureList methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:52'! sendAllMessagesBefore: timeNow | m | [ nil ~~ (m _ self getFirstMessageBefore: timeNow) ] whileTrue: [ m sendIt. ]. ! ! Object subclass: #QFutureMessage instanceVariableNames: 'when receiver message args ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Croquet-Q'! !QFutureMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:34'! args "Answer the value of args" ^ args! ! !QFutureMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:34'! args: anObject "Set the value of args" args _ anObject! ! !QFutureMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:34'! message "Answer the value of message" ^ message! ! !QFutureMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:34'! message: anObject "Set the value of message" message _ anObject! ! !QFutureMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:34'! receiver "Answer the value of receiver" ^ receiver! ! !QFutureMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:34'! receiver: anObject "Set the value of receiver" receiver _ anObject! ! !QFutureMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:34'! when "Answer the value of when" ^ when! ! !QFutureMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:34'! when: anObject "Set the value of when" when _ anObject! ! !QFutureMessage methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 22:36'! <= other ^ self when <= other when! ! !QFutureMessage methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:38'! sendIt #please send: message to: receiver withArguments: args. ! ! TGroup subclass: #QPitch instanceVariableNames: 'blueCannon redCannon carpets walls xSize ySize zSize futureList ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Croquet-Q'! !QPitch commentStamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 20:30' prior: 0! The toplevel TFrame for Strick's "Q" game that is slightly reminiscent of Quidditch. It owns the cannons, the carpets, the walls, and a FutureList object. It also has a method to steal and reconfigure the floor. Unlike other Teapot demos, the minimum corner of the game is at (0,0,0) and everything interesting extends in the positive direction. ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 20:18'! addCannonAt: position | c | c_ QCannon meta new. c meta initializeWithPitch: self. c meta colorize: Color gray darker asB3DColor. c meta translation: position. self meta addChild: c. ^c.! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 20:19'! addCannonAt: position pointing: direction | c | c_ QCannon meta new. c meta initializeWithPitch: self. c meta colorize: Color gray darker asB3DColor. c meta translation: position. self meta addChild: c. ^c.! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 18:57'! addCarpets: n | carpet dragger z i | z _ OrderedCollection new. i _ 1. (Color wheel: n) do: [ : color | carpet _ QCarpet meta new. carpet objectName: 'carpet/',i. carpet meta colorize: color asB3DColor. dragger _ QDragger meta new. dragger objectName: 'dragger/',i. dragger meta contents: carpet. dragger meta translationX: color red * xSize y: color green * ySize z: color blue * zSize. self meta addChild: dragger. z add: carpet. ]. ^ z! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 22:17'! addFutureMessage: msg futureList add: msg. ! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 21:18'! addWalls | w z txt | z _ OrderedCollection new: 4. " blue endzone " w _ QCarpet meta new. w objectName: 'BlueEndzone'. w meta extent: xSize @ ySize. w meta translationX: xSize/2 y: ySize/2 z: 0. w meta colorize: (Color blue twiceLighter asB3DColor alpha: 0.2). self meta addChild: w. z add: w. " red endzone " w _ QCarpet meta new. w objectName: 'RedEndzone'. w meta extent: xSize @ ySize. w meta translationX: xSize/2 y: ySize/2 z: zSize. w meta colorize: (Color red twiceLighter asB3DColor alpha: 0.2). self meta addChild: w. z add: w. " side walls " ( Array with: 0.0 with: xSize ) do: [ :xTrans | w _ QCarpet meta new. w objectName: 'SideLine',xTrans . w meta extent: zSize @ ySize. w meta rotationAroundY: 90. w meta translationX: xTrans y: ySize/2 z: zSize/2. w meta colorize: (Color white muchLighter asB3DColor alpha: 0.1). self meta addChild: w. z add: w. ]. " ceiling " w _ QCarpet meta new. w objectName: 'ceiling'. w meta extent: xSize @ zSize. w meta rotationAroundX: 90. w meta translationX: xSize/2 y: ySize z: zSize/2 . w meta colorize: (Color black twiceLighter asB3DColor alpha: 0.2). self meta addChild: w. z add: w. " floorCarpet " w _ QCarpet meta new. w objectName: 'floorCarpet'. w meta extent: xSize @ zSize. w meta rotationAroundX: 90. w meta translationX: xSize/2 y: 0.0 z: zSize/2 . "w meta colorize: (Color gray asB3DColor alpha: 0.5)." self meta addChild: w. z add: w. txt _ TTexture new initializeWithFileName: 'moonmap.jpg' mipmap: true shrinkFit: false. txt uvScale: 6.0@10.0. w meta texture: txt. ^ z! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 21:17'! adjustFloorIn: root | floor | "actualy we delete the floor, because we now add a textured Carpet wall object there." floor _ self findFloorIn: root. root removeChild: floor. ! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 18:51'! allObstacles | z | z _ OrderedCollection new. carpets ifNotNil: [ z addAll: carpets. ]. walls ifNotNil: [z addAll: walls. ]. ^z! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 20:14'! configureBallFrequency ^ 1.8! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 20:32'! configureCannonDirection " which way, and how fast, the cannon shoots its cannonballs " ^ (B3DVector3 x: 7.7 y:0.1 z: 5.1) ! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 20:30'! configureLengthOfPitch ^ 100.0! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 21:29'! configureNumberBalls ^ 42 ! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 20:14'! configureNumberCarpets ^ 8 ! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 12:18'! findFloorIn: root | floors floor | floor _ nil. floors _ root find: [ : x | x objectName = 'floor' ]. ( floors size > 0 ) ifTrue: [ floor _ floors at: 1. ]. ^floor ! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 00:05'! initialize super initialize. futureList _ QFutureList new initialize. self length: self configureLengthOfPitch . carpets _ self addCarpets: self configureNumberCarpets. blueCannon _ self addCannonAt: (B3DVector3 x: 1.0 y:1.0 z: 1.0) pointing: self configureCannonDirection. " redCannon _ self addCannonAt: (B3DVector3 x: self xSize - 1.0 y:1.0 z: self zSize - 1.0) pointing: (B3DVector3 x: -7.7 y:0.9 z: -5.1). " walls _ self addWalls. " to process future messages " self stepTime: 50. self startStepping. ! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 11:53'! length " the main length factor is the z length " ^ zSize! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 12:08'! length: len " the main length factor is the z length " zSize _ len * 1.0 . xSize _ zSize / self class goldenRatio. ySize _ xSize / self class goldenRatio.! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 21:24'! purgeFutureMessagesToBall: ball futureList purgeDeadReceiver: ball. ! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:58'! step futureList sendAllMessagesBefore: TeaTime now asSeconds. ! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 11:57'! xSize ^ xSize! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 11:57'! ySize ^ ySize! ! !QPitch methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 11:56'! zSize ^ zSize! ! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! QPitch class instanceVariableNames: ''! !QPitch class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 11:05'! goldenRatio ^ 1.6180339887! ! !QPitch class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 23:07'! spew2: aStringProducingBlock " only for debugging. turn Transcripting on or off here. " false ifTrue: [ Transcript cr; show: ( '* ', aStringProducingBlock value ) ].! ! !QPitch class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 21:06'! spew: aStringProducingBlock " only for debugging. turn Transcripting on or off here. " false ifTrue: [ Transcript cr; show: ( '* ', aStringProducingBlock value ) ].! ! Object subclass: #QPlane instanceVariableNames: 'point normal box minX maxX minY maxY minZ maxZ ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Croquet-Q'! !QPlane methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 14:14'! boundingBox ^ box! ! !QPlane methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:11'! computeMaxAndMin | a b | a_ box min. b_ box max. minX_ a x min: b x. maxX_ a x max: b x. minY_ a y min: b y. maxY_ a y max: b y. minZ_ a z min: b z. maxZ_ a z max: b z. ! ! !QPlane methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:12'! maxX ^maxX! ! !QPlane methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:12'! maxY ^maxY! ! !QPlane methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:12'! maxZ ^maxZ! ! !QPlane methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:11'! minX ^minX! ! !QPlane methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:11'! minY ^minY! ! !QPlane methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:12'! minZ ^minZ! ! !QPlane methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/17/2005 15:48'! normal ^ normal! ! !QPlane methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/17/2005 15:48'! point ^ point! ! !QPlane methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/18/2005 21:19'! point: p normal: n boundingBox: b point_ p. normal_ n. box_ b. box ifNotNil: [ self computeMaxAndMin. ]. ! ! !QPlane methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 22:31'! printOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: 'QPlane', self identityHash, '(center=', point, ',normal=', normal, ' X: ', minX, ' .. ', maxX, ' Y: ', minY, ' .. ', maxY, ' Z: ', minZ, ' .. ', maxZ, ')'.! ! Object subclass: #QPlaneIntersection instanceVariableNames: 'when where willIntersect qplane ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Croquet-Q'! !QPlaneIntersection methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 20:56'! epsilon " a very small fudge amount, so rounding error do not create near misses " ^ 0.000001. "about a microsecond or a micrometer"! ! !QPlaneIntersection methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 20:28'! intersect: pln withPointStartingPosition: p0 time: t0 velocity: v " (QPlaneIntersection new intersect: ( QPlane new point: (B3DVector3 x: 22.0 y: 0.02 z: 0.02) normal: (B3DVector3 x: 1.0 y: 0.1 z: 0.1) normalize boundingBox: nil ) withPointStartingPosition: (B3DVector3 x: -100.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0) time: 1000.0 velocity: (B3DVector3 x: 8.0001 y: 0.0001 z: 0.0) ) when. 1015.25029004965 (QPlaneIntersection new intersect: ( QPlane new point: (B3DVector3 x: 22.0 y: 0.02 z: 0.02) normal: (B3DVector3 x: 1.0 y: 0.1 z: 0.1) normalize boundingBox: nil ) withPointStartingPosition: (B3DVector3 x: -100.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0) time: 1000.0 velocity: (B3DVector3 x: 8.0001 y: 0.0001 z: 0.0) ) where. a B3DVector3(22.00384521484375 0.001525028957985342 0.0) (QPlaneIntersection new intersect: ( QPlane new point: (B3DVector3 x: 22.0 y: 0.02 z: 0.02) normal: (B3DVector3 x: 1.0 y: 0.1 z: 0.1) normalized negated boundingBox: nil ) withPointStartingPosition: (B3DVector3 x: -100.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0) time: 1000.0 velocity: (B3DVector3 x: 8.0001 y: 0.0001 z: 0.0) ) when. (QPlaneIntersection new intersect: ( QPlane new point: (B3DVector3 x: 22.0 y: 0.02 z: 0.02) normal: (B3DVector3 x: 1.0 y: 0.1 z: 0.1) normalized negated boundingBox: nil ) withPointStartingPosition: (B3DVector3 x: -100.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0) time: 1000.0 velocity: (B3DVector3 x: 8.0001 y: 0.0001 z: 0.0) ) where. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ " | numerator denominator parellel | qplane _ pln. QPitch spew: [ 'plane ', qplane, ' p0 ', p0, ' v ', v ]. willIntersect _ false. when _ where _ nil. " initially, in case they are parellel " "p1 _ p0 + v. point at time t0 + 1 : v is distance in 1 second " denominator _ qplane normal dot: v. "888 frob." parellel _ denominator abs < self epsilon. parellel ifTrue: [ ^self ]. "return because no intersecton" numerator _ qplane normal dot: qplane point-p0. when _ t0 + (numerator / denominator). where _ p0 + ((when-t0) * v). QPitch spew: [ 'numerator ', numerator, ' / denominator ', denominator, ' = ', (numerator / denominator) ]. QPitch spew: [ 'now ', t0, ' when-now ', (when-t0), ' where ', where ]. " epsilon prevents events from happening again, due to rounding errors " willIntersect _ (when > (t0 + self epsilon) ). " true if intersection is in future " willIntersect ifTrue: [ qplane boundingBox ifNotNil: [ " must further refine that it will intersect in the box -- epsilon helps exact test cases " willIntersect _ ((((( qplane minX - self epsilon <= where x ) and: [ qplane maxX + self epsilon >= where x ]) and: [ qplane minY - self epsilon <= where y ]) and: [ qplane maxY + self epsilon >= where y ]) and: [ qplane minZ - self epsilon <= where z ]) and: [ qplane maxZ + self epsilon >= where z ] . willIntersect ifTrue: [ QPitch spew2: [ 'qplane normal=', (qplane normal) ]. QPitch spew2: [ 'qplane point=', (qplane point) ]. QPitch spew2: [ 'p0=', (p0) ]. QPitch spew2: [ 'qplane point-p0=', (qplane point-p0) ]. QPitch spew2: [ 'qplane normal dot: qplane point-p0=', ((qplane normal) dot: (qplane point-p0)) ]. QPitch spew2: [ ' ... / denom =', ( ((qplane normal) dot: (qplane point-p0)) / denominator ) ]. QPitch spew2: [ 'numerator=', numerator, ' / denominator=', denominator, ' ->', (numerator / denominator) ]. QPitch spew2: [ 'now=', t0, ' when-now=', (when-t0), ' when= ', when, ' where=', where ]. QPitch spew2: [ 'INTERSECT: when ', when, ' where ', where, ' with ', qplane, ' -> ', willIntersect ]. ]. " qplane boundingBox, ' { ', qplane boundingBox min, ' , ', qplane boundingBox max, ' } ', ' -> ', willIntersect. " ]]. ! ! !QPlaneIntersection methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 21:46'! printOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: '{Collision when=' , ((when * 1000) asInteger), 'ms where=', where, '}'. ! ! !QPlaneIntersection methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 20:29'! qplane ^qplane! ! !QPlaneIntersection methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/17/2005 15:46'! when ^ when! ! !QPlaneIntersection methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/17/2005 15:46'! where ^ where! ! !QPlaneIntersection methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 20:57'! willIntersect " true or false " ^ willIntersect! ! TeapotMorph subclass: #QPot instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Croquet-Q'! !QPot commentStamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 21:29' prior: 0! The TeapotMorph class for Strick's "Q" game that is slightly reminiscent of Quidditch. This class had class methods that cause a QPot icon to appear n the Croquet section of the "objects" thingy. ================================================== BUGS -- When you move a carpet (colored rectangle), balls do not recalculate their next collision. Only balls that have bounced after you moved it will bounce off of it correctly. -- Sometimes carpets quit working, or balls leak outside the walls. Dunno why. -- Sometimes one side of a carpet works and the other doesn't. Or if you just tweak the carpet a bit, it might work. -- Edges of carpets often don't reflect balls. Try for the center. -- Canon should not start firing balls until you click on it -- so that the balls can be correctly synchronized in multiplayer. FEATURES Use SHIFT to rotate a carpet. It's the opposite of TSpinner. When a ball hits an avater, it may knock it away. A long ways, even. Or the avatar may ride on it. This just worked. It is very cool.] See QPitch instance methods for configuration variables. ! !QPot methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/21/2005 21:19'! initializeDefaultSpace | space light tframe pitch | "space is the place" space _ TSpace new. space url: ''. "Add a light to the world " light _ TLight new. tframe _ TSpinner new. tframe translationX: -10 y:0.0 z: 0.0. tframe rotationAroundZ: 120. tframe matNil. tframe contents: light. space addChild: tframe. "create the floor" self makeFloor: space fileName:'stone.BMP'. "what is this?" self makePopUp: space. " now the Q pitch.... " pitch _ QPitch meta new. space meta addChild: pitch. " steal that floor we made earlier " "( pitch should probably make its own floor, not steal one. )" pitch adjustFloorIn: space. ^space! ! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! QPot class instanceVariableNames: ''! !QPot class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 20:20'! descriptionForPartsBin ^ self partName: (self name) categories: #('Croquet') documentation: 'Croquet Q Game' sampleImageForm: TForm defaultForm. ! ! !QPot class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'strick 9/20/2005 20:20'! includeInNewMorphMenu ^true! !